Night of the Living Dead is a 1968 horror film directed by George A. Romero, starring Duane Jones (Ben), Judith O'Dea (Barbara), Karl Hardman (Harry Cooper), Marilyn Eastman (Helen Cooper), Keith Wayne (Tom), Judith Ridley (Judy) and Kyra Schon (Karen Cooper). The movie was released, October 1st, 1968.
I personally did not like the movie because I felt it lacked detail throughout most of the plot. I found the movie started out slow and gradually got faster. As the movie went on, it felt like the director wanted to end the movie in a rush. While watching, I also found that their wasn't much dialogue said throughout the film and I think if there was more dialogue added, it would've been much more interesting and entertaining to watch. Considering the film was the first zombie movie made, the costumes were exceptionally realistic.
Like I mentioned in the above paragraph, there was not much dialogue said throughout the film and I thought that the dialogue was most needed in the parts when the zombies attacked. Most of the time, the expressions on the people's faces was just pure horror, but they didn't scream. I think if they did, it would add more entertainment for the audience/viewers.
Like I said before, I personally did not like the movie, "Night of the Living Dead" because it lacked in a lot of detail and in most parts of the film was not believable. I felt, as the movie was getting closer to the end, it was very rushed and everything was going by quickly. The costumes overall, were pretty well done considering the movie was the first zombie movie made. I would give credit to George A. Romero for trying to deliver a new approach to the horror genre.
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